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The unique value of those listed here is that Dr. Marsha Linehan, as the treatment developer, has participated in and approved the certification standards of the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification (DBT-LBC). The Board has created high standards and rigorous protocols for assessing and recognizing the knowledge and capacity of the clinician to deliver DBT in the form Dr. Linehan and colleagues developed from years of evidence-based research. Please see an explanation for the difference between Certification and those who have only earned a Certificate at Certification versus a Certificate on our website.
We hope you will return on a regular basis as there are a significant number of applicants who are currently in the process and at various stages of becoming certified. You can always ask your therapist if they are involved in becoming certified by DBT-LBC and even encourage them to do so. For your assurance of their qualifications, the certification process requires that they meet certain prerequisites, pass a knowledge exam on information specific to DBT and submit three consecutive video tapes of actual therapy sessions with that same client. These sessions are coded to an adherence standard for delivering DBT consistent with the treatment model.